I am a PhD student working with Anush Tserunyan. I am in Montréal, at McGill University.
My interests lies in Measured Group Theory, Descriptive Set Theory and Probability.
(name)(dot)(surname) (at) mail (dot) mcgill (dot) ca
Exactness and the topology of the space of invariant random equivalence relations
: Joint work with Héctor Jardón-Sánchez, Sam Mellick and Konrad Wróbel. 2025.
[arXiv, PDF]
Elasticity of free type III actions of free groups
: 2024.
[arXiv, PDF]
Borel Complexity of the Isomorphism Relation of Archimedean Orders in Finitely Generated Groups
: 2024. To appear in Proceedings of the AMS.
[arXiv, PDF, , PAMS (TBD)]
Tree-like graphings, wallings, and median graphings of equivalence relations
: Joint work with Ronnie Chen,
Ran Tao
and Anush Tserunyan. 2023. To appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
[arXiv, PDF]
One-ended spanning trees and definable combinatorics
: Joint work with Jenna Zomback and Matt Bowen. 2022. Published in the Transactions of the AMS, 2024.
[arXiv, PDF, TAMS (TBD)]
Complexity of the isomorphism of Archimedean orders on Z2
: Master's thesis, supervised by Marcin Sabok. 2022.
On certain probabilistic properties of polynomials over the ring of p-adic integers
: Undergraduate summer research project, supervised by Antonio Lei. 2018. Published in the American Mathematical Monthly, 2020.
[arXiv, PDF, AMM]
Stuff I find neat
Field Play:
By Anvaka, this project allows you to explore vector fields in a whole new way.
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This is a tree of life, with all (or certainly a lot) species!.
Cohomology Fractals:
Who doesn't like fractals?
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