Slide for presentations
Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of presentations I've given, for posterity:
Graphons, Graphings et Graphops: Talk for CIMMUL seminar, March 2025.
[beamer to come, a recording also exists]
Exactness of groups and random equivalence relations: Talk for the University of Florida Logic Seminar, March 2025.
[no notes]
Borel complexity of the isomorphism of Archimedean orderable groups: Talk for the South Eastern Logic Symposium, March 2025.
[no notes]
Borel quasi-trees are treeable: Talk for the November 2024 CMS Winter Meeting, Descriptive Set Theory, Continuous Logic and Applications session.
Measure equivalence of Baumslag-Solitar groups and type III relations: Talk for the Nankai Logic Colloquium, November 2024.
Orbit equivalence classification of Baumslag-Solitar groups: Talk for the Caltech Logic Seminar, October 2024.
[notes exist, but are better in the Nankai version above]
Measure equivalence of Baumslag-Solitar groups and type III relations: Talk for the Groups, Dynamics & Topology seminar, Jagiellonian, October 2024.
[no notes]
Orbite équivalence des groupes de Baumslag-Solitar et relations de type III: Talk for the Groupes et Actions seminar, Université Paris-Saclay, October 2024.
[no notes]
Classification ME des Baumslag-Solitar: Three talks for the Actions! working group in ENS Lyon, October 2024.
[no notes]
Margulis' construction of expander graphs: Talk for the 26th ISM Graduate Student Colloquium, May 2024.
Based on the name of the talk.
[no notes]
Complexity of Archimedean orders on Z^n: Talk for the meeting in Groups, Logics and Dynamics (GLaD), March 2024.
Based on my master's and subsequent solo article.
[no notes]
Borel Complexity of Archimedean Orders: Talk for the Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 2024.
Based on my master's and subsequent solo article.
Space of Archimedean Left-Orders: Talk for the December 2023 CMS Winter Meeting, Descriptive Set Theory session.
Based on my master's and subsequent solo article.
[beamer missing]
Quasi-treeable equivalence relations: Talk for the Coarse geometry and dynamics Workshop, August 2023.
Based on my article with Ronnie, Ran and Anush.
Borel complexity of Archimedean orders on finitely generated group: Talk for the June 2023 CMS Summer Meeting, Set Theory and Applications session.
Based on my master's and subsequent solo article.
Quasi-treeable equivalence relations: Talk for the Workshop on Borel and Measurable Combinatorics in Algebra an Dynamics,
March 2023. Based on my article with Ronnie, Ran and Anush.
[beamer, recording]
Sphères en hautes dimensions: Talk for the 24th ISM Graduate Student Colloquium, May 2022. Based on Vladimir Pestov's book.
Les fausses preuves sont beaucoup plus rapides: Talk for the 23rd ISM Graduate Student Colloquium, May 2021. Based on a paper by J. P. Aguilera and M. Baaz.
The KPT Correspondence: Talk for the December 2020 CMS Winter Meeting, student talk sessions. Based on the KPT Correspondence.
Probabilistic properties of p-adic polynomials: Talk for the Maine-Quebec Number Theory Conference, October 2019. Based on my article with Antonio Lei.